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Fish Education Class for Children and Residents of Takashima

the Coordinator and Deputy Leader of the “Nagasaki Blue Economy” Project at the University. The class was part of the 2024 “Takashima Children’s Educational Week” program and coincided with the launch of the university’s Takashima Fisheries Research Laboratory.

During the event, the room was filled with three kindergarteners, three first-graders, four faculty members, and around 30 islanders. Professor Murokoshi introduced the research conducted at the Takashima Fisheries Laboratory, and the first-graders presented information about yellowtail, showcasing its growth stages using pictures. The students had the opportunity to learn about fish in a welcoming environment. There was also a section where the students could touch young yellowtail; although they were initially hesitant, their curiosity led them to interact with the fish.

The “Nagasaki Blue Economy” project is a key component of the initiative to cultivate individuals who will support the fisheries industry in the future. The plan is to continue organizing educational activities focused on fish and the fisheries industry for a diverse audience. 

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